By Bob Hoffman, Missionary to Cyberspace

I am currently expanding our social media outreach. We are currently on Facebook and Twitter.

Recently I heard about a Facebook alternative on a local conservative talk radio show called Spreely. Spreely was formed from “SPeak fREELY.” With the problems of late with Twitter and Facebook censoring conservative and religious posts (as well as “shadow banning,” I figured I’d try out Spreely as a means of expanding social media outreach.


Spreely’s Terms of Service opens with the statement: “Spreely was created with one core mission in mind, protecting your right to speak freely.  Spreely intends to police the platform in accordance with the first Amendment to the Constitution of The United States of America.”

Wikipedia defines shadow banning as “Shadow banning (also called stealth banning, ghost banning or comment ghosting) is the act of blocking or partially blocking a user or their content from an online community such that it will not be readily apparent to the user that they have been banned.” Many of you with Facebook accounts have ended up Facebook Jail. Many have commented that they’re posts are not getting seen. Perhaps you feel that way. If you are openly conservative or post Bible doctrine, you are probably being “shadow banned” and your posts are not being seen as much as you like.

Spreely looks and feels similar to Facebook. It was easy to set up my Spreely account. You do not seem to get in trouble with friending people you don’t know on Spreely the way you do on Facebook.  Seven years ago Facebook terminated my account (with almost 5000 friends) because I was friending people I don’t know. It was probably also because of the Baptist nature of the account.

I was able to set up an additional evangelism account as well as two groups (Independent Baptists and King James Bible).  Please keep this outreach in prayer! And, if you get tired of Facebook and their liberal bias, you’re welcome to join me there. We will continue expanding our social media outreach to get the Gospel of Jesus Christ to fulfill Mark 13:10-25And the gospel must first be published among all nations.