Become an advertiser on! is a dynamic community of people that is passionate about being Baptist. Authored by a team of Pastors, and laymen, the site focuses on a variety of topics of interest to Baptists. Since beginning in 1995, has over 10,000 unique visitors a month and continues to grow each week. If you would like to have your brand featured in front of over 1 million monthly impressions, have a look at the advertising information below.
Why should I become an advertiser:
Key to the success of any business is effective marketing. With you can reach thousands of potential customers, covering a wide demographic, on a daily basis. Our ads are competitively priced and conveniently placed, ensuring a cost efficient and highly effective marketing campaign.
What kind of audience will I reach: is a highly focused demographic that is loyal, and prefers Christian products, and services. We reach a high percentage of Pastors, church officials, Sunday school teachers, Christian workers, and general Christians.
What kind of topics are covered in
At we cover a wide variety of topics of interest to people of Baptist faith. Some of our popular topics include: Baptist News, Baptist Views, Theology, Devotionals, Baptist History, Missions.
Where will my ads appear:
Currently, adds can appear in the right column of each page and category above the fold or below the fold, or on the top of each page. However, in the near future we will be including an option to advertise in within a specific category.
What kind of advertisers is looking for:
We are looking for family friendly advertisers. If you feel your product or services may appeal to our audience, feel free to send us an application.
How do I become an advertiser:
You provide an image
- 120×60
- 125×125
- 300×250
- 468×60
- 300×600
- 120×240
that can serve an your advertisement. You must also have a valid webpage illustrating your product or service. If you feel your ads would be a good fit for, feel free to submit your application below: