Category: Addiction Recovery

Never Shine

I own a black truck; wash it and it shines like new money or at least most of it does. The hood on my black truck will never shine again and the reason is I fail to keep it washed and waxed. Because of my neglect it will never...

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Only Three Things

Complaining is something we all do from time to time. We complain if it rains too much and we complain if it doesn’t rain enough. We complain if we miss an opportunity, we complain if we get sick, we complain if we….you get the...

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Can I Talk

The Miracle of forgiveness! Letting the stone go. Someone is angry at you, something you said offended them. Asking for forgiveness is an amazing experience but it’s easier to simply just let it slide, especially if it’s someone...

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No Angels Singing

I have said this phrase 100’s of times “if you keep doing the same things you’ve always done you’re going to keep getting the same results you’ve always gotten.” Sunday is coming not a week or a month away but in two short days...

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Numbered With

Acts 1:26 And they gave forth their lots; and the lot fell upon Matthias; and he was numbered with the eleven apostles.Matthias, I can only find his named mentioned twice. What is interesting about that is the opportunity he had...

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Killed Anyone

Faith is wonderful; we use faith everyday of our lives. We have faith in our postal service. We write a letter, sign it, seal it and drop it in the box. We have faith that the letter will be delivered. We have faith in our bank....

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Don’t You Think

We have so many choices to make in a one day period. What will I eat for breakfast, cereal, or stop and get a donut; now you’re talking! What will I listen to on the radio? Will it be a Talk show, news, music and if music what...

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There’s not a one of us who has not been angry at someone for something they did or have said to us. Anger is something that we need to lean to control; sometimes anger comes quickly but it is how we respond to the anger that’s...

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Dirty Feet

Has anyone ever said to you “what were you thinking?” Or you might have said it to someone yourself. The problem is we have no earthly idea what someone else is thinking, we have no way of reading minds. What if we could know...

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Follow the Leader

Did you ever play the game “Follow the Leader” when you were a child?  The rules are easy.  One person is the leader and the rest follow, doing the same things the leader does.  Most of the time, the leader takes...

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